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Dog Nutrition

Easy Weight Control for Dogs

·3 mins
In the previous section, we looked at kibble feeding tables and how to measure the daily portions for your dog, be it a growing puppy or a thriving adult.
A Hovawart puppy eating her kibble.
A Hovawart puppy eating her kibble.

In this section, we will discover how to control your dog’s diet by measuring her weight on a weekly or monthly basis. A puppy growing up should be weighed on a weekly basis, whereas an adult with no problems with her weight can be weighed on a monthly basis.

5 Practical Tips for Feeding Your Dog

·2 mins
Feeding your dog is a topic which even experienced dog owners struggle with. On this site, you will find a number of practical write-ups on dog nutrition, which aim to answer some basic questions on how to feed your dog properly. Most of the texts are aimed at new dog owners, but a number of experienced dog owners have found the information useful as well.
A hovawart puppy waiting attentively for the break command.
A hovawart puppy waiting attentively for the break command.

My focus is to demystify dog nutrition and focus on the essentials, since after all feeding your dog should not be that difficult.

10 Dangerous Things for a Dog to Eat

·3 mins
In the previous section, we examined how you can control your dog’s weight through regular weigh-ins. In this section we will list some substances and objects which can be dangerous, toxic or just bad for your dog to eat. Some of these things you might not even have thought of as being bad for your dog, since they are things that we humans can consume just fine.
Eve, a hovawart puppy, curious about a home-made activation toy.
Eve, a hovawart puppy, curious about a home-made activation toy.

Which things are dangerous for your dog? #

  1. If you read children’s comic books or examine the common conception of what dogs should have, bones feature as the number one treat you should give to your dog. It might, however, come as a surprise to you that cooked bones are actually dangerous for your dog, as they can splinter in your dog’s digestive tract.
  2. Pantyhose, socks or many types of cloth, i.e. material that stretches can block your dog’s small intestine and cause a serious condition that needs surgery.

Which things are poisonous or toxic for dogs? #

There are a number of dangerous substances, which you must never feed your dog as they are toxic or poisonous to her.